“Tax Hike Mike” Kehoe

Gas Tax: Mike Kehoe has consistently supported increases in the gas tax

  • In 2015, Tax Hike Mike voted in favor of a 3.5¢ per gallon increase for diesel and 1.5¢ increase for unleaded.

  • In 2016, Tax Hike Mike voted for SB 623, a 5.9¢ per gallon increase.

  • In 2018, Tax Hike Mike endorsed and campaigned for Prop. D, a 10¢ per gallon increase, saying “It is right thing to do.” Voters rejected Prop. D 54-46%

  • In 2021, Tax Hike Mike supported for an even larger 12.5¢ per gallon increase, circumventing voter approval.

Sales Tax: Mike Kehoe authored legislation to increase the state sales tax.

  • In 2013, Tax Hike Mike authored SJR 16, raising the sales tax 1% and generating $8 billion over 10 years.

  • In 2014, Tax Hike Mike authored HJR 68, a constitutional amendment to increase the sales by 1% and generating $7.8 billion over 10 years. The largest tax increase in Missouri history, it was rejected by voters 59-41%.

It should surprise no one that Tax Hike Mike wants to increase the tax burden on hard-working Missourians, as Lt. Governor, he’s presided over a near doubling of the state’s spending from $28 billion to $51 billion in just five years.

Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, who has never supported a tax increase, announced that he taken Americans for Tax Reform’s Taxpayer Protection Pledge, and will announce a major tax reform plan as Missouri Governor.

Missourians can’t afford Tax Hike Mike, click below to support Jay Ashcroft as Missouri’s next Governor.